Own blend of 5 senses coffee, local fresh tasty food, wine and beer!
Open Mon - Sat 7am - 3pm
Sunday 8am - 1pm
Our favourite things are; music (sometimes its loud!), catching up with our regulars, adding new coffee/food/booze lovers to our ever growing Lemon family.
We are open:
Monday - Saturday 7am - 3pm
Sunday 8am - 1pm
Breakfast and lunch is served through the week, and weekends is breakfast only all day - we get busy, so please call 9284 4600 or email lane@lemoncafes.com.au to reserve a table.
From August we will be doing monthly Lemon Sessions one evening per month (eventually weekly).
They will generally be themed, we are scouting for musical talent and ideas are always welcomed!
We are also scouting local artists to use the cafe as their own gallery for a few weeks - contact for more details!
Come along, meet our staff and know you'll always have a 'mates house' to hang out at when our doors are open!